Quick Production Deployment as the Machine Creates the Data Pipeline.
ETL Projects can be executed with very small teams as the Machine generates the Code.
Significant reduction in development efforts as AI simplifies the complexity of ETL.
This GenAI-driven ETL Enables Organizations to perform Data Integration without Coding, while generating the Code, the engine considers factors like Data Sources, Compression, TCP/IP or UDP, etc.
This AI-driven engine generates the Code automatically based on the Business use cases and Data Source/Volume/Storage and available system resources like CPU/RAM.
GenAI ETL engine automatically writes the corresponding Code for Data Loading based on the target Data Storage like RDBMS/NoSQL/Data Lake/Druid/Elasticsearch, etc.
Even a College pass-out can capture and process the Big Data too with our Low-Code/No-Code ETL.
Capture Data from any Data sources like IoT Devices, Files, DBs, Social Media, etc and process the Data of any DBs.
Our NLP/No-Code ETL engine can stitch Heterogenous DBs like Oracle + Kafka + NoSQL on the fly without coding.
Executors' memory, executors' cores, no. of partitions, etc will be decided by our engine automatically.
For example, Data can be copied from MongoDB to MySQL and vice versa by configuration.
Replicated the brain of Champion Developers into the Machine to pick the right index, partition joins, executors, cores, etc.